August is Adventure Month

"I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found was really going in."

John Muir

Who knew August is officially known as ADVENTURE month?

So! Permission granted to go all in on a little bit of adventure this month. For me I often associate my adventures with some kind of outdoor or cultural escapade. 

Fresh new environments that awaken our senses, and immerse ourselves in new cultures that make us pause and ponder and wonder why, can be packed full of meaningful life lessons. Adventure expands the way we see and interact with the world.

John Muir and his adventurous insight into the lessons that nature can teach us became our family’s traveling companion years ago as we ventured to Yosemite every fall.

My kids were young. Learning to ride bikes, polar bear plunges into Mirror Pond, our kids first taste of freeze dried spaghetti over a campfire, and even a mini rock climbing expedition belaying and bouldering up Bake Sale – all of these mini adventures had some common themes:

  • Something new and novel

  • Comfort zone stretch

  • Heightened sensory awareness

  • An emotional or physical challenge

  • Requirement of self reliance or reliance on a team 

And in the end …. The idea is to walk away with a new perspective or a new awakening or insight.

August is arriving. So what’s a grand or gritty adventure that you will get up to?

A fun summer adventure is just the TUNE UP we might need before we rev back up again for fall and its more structured routines.


Metaphor Magic


Mind the Gap